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Keyword thermal power plant Search Result

Air pollution in India: A nightmare that continues to haunt

I am writing this on November 5, and winter is yet to set in. But both the Mumbai Metropolitan Region and north India are poisoned with highly polluted air. This happens year after year and will conti

Website link :https://adquash.com/news_q.php?str=Air_pollution_in_India:_A_nightmare_that_continues_to_haunt_998

Experts canvass investments to bridge Nigeria’s power deficit

BY EMEKA EJERE For Nigerians to enjoy constant electricity supply, there is need for more investments in the sector that will culminate in the country being able to generate 200,000 MegaWatts (MW). Th

Website link :https://adquash.com/news_q.php?str=Experts_canvass_investments_to_bridge_Nigeria’s_power_deficit_592

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