Popunder Ad

Popunder Ads : In Popunder ad onclick advertiser target url open new window/tab. Open advertiser target url random bases onetime per session.
Our price for link ad : USD 10 for 10000 click ( $ 0.001 per click )

Session meaning : user visiting adquash.com web page any source ( Direct , Social Media ,Email, other source ). On visit starts new session for adquash.com user . Window close by user direct or other source its means session end for user.if user open again adquash.com now again strats new session.

The popunder service is now retired from our services list.

Order Id:

Target Website url : include http:// or https://
Number of Click :

Your Name :
Please provide active email address . We will send confiramtion email for activation.


We reserves the right to reject any advertisement in case of any dissatisfaction regarding the advertising contents or websites.
If you have any query about our services please write at our official Email : [email protected] .
We will answer your query as soon as possible.
Thanks & Regrads
Adquash.com Team