Scarborough paedophile jailed for breaching court order to curb online activities

Scarborough paedophile jailed for breaching court order to curb online activities

Crime Scarborough paedophile jailed for breaching court order to curb online activities A Scarborough paedophile has been jailed for breaching a strict court order designed to curb his online activities. By Court Reporter Published 17th Nov 2023, 16:49 GMT Updated 17th Nov 2023, 16:49 GMT Christopher Robinson Christopher Robinson, 38, was supposed to inform police if he had obtained any new internet-enabled devices or if he was using any online aliases following his jailing for voyeurism in 2021. But when a monitoring officer carried out a routine inspection at his home in August, it was discovered that he hadn’t notified police about a new Samsung mobile phone and had been using a pseudonym on his TikTok account, York Crown Court heard. Sign up to the daily Crime UK newsletter. All the latest crime news and trials from across the UK. Sign up Thank you for signing up! Did you know with an ad-lite subscription to The Scarborough News, you get 70% fewer ads while viewing the news that matters to you. Learn More Sorry, there seem to be some issues. Please try again later. Submitting... This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Notice and Terms of Service apply. Advertisement Hide Ad Advertisement Hide Ad Most Popular IN PICTURES: 41 Photos from a Big Night Out in Scarborough a... News Workers at Boulby Mine, near Whitby, strip off for calendar ... News Prosecutor Kelly Clarke said that Robinson had been made subject to a sexual-harm prevention order and notification requirements in August 2021 following his conviction for voyeurism, namely trying to make secret recordings of teenagers in the changing rooms of a charity shop where he worked. The requirements prohibited Robinson from using any internet device unless he notified police. It also banned him deleting his search history, using aliases without informing police and surfing the web in “incognito mode”. Advertisement Hide Ad Advertisement Hide Ad On August 2 this year, a police officer turned up at Robinson’s home on an impromptu visit and asked to see all his internet devices. Robinson handed over a Motorola phone, but this showed evidence of another device which was linked to his Google account. When asked about this, Robinson produced a Samsung Galaxy phone from his pocket. He was arrested and admitted failing to present his new phone to police and using a private internet browser and the alias or username ‘Teddy Bonkers 4’ on his TikTok account. Advertisement Hide Ad Advertisement Hide Ad He pleaded guilty to two counts of breaching the sexual-harm order and one count of failing to comply with notification requirements as a registered sex offender. Robinson, of Princess Royal Terrace, appeared for sentence today knowing his liberty was in the balance. Ms Kelly said that Robinson’s two previous convictions comprised 33 separate offences, namely making indecent images of children and voyeurism. In 2008, he was given a two-year community order for “numerous” offences of making indecent photos. Advertisement Hide Ad Advertisement Hide Ad In 2021, he was jailed for eight months for filming people in the toilets of the charity shop where he worked and setting up a mobile device to make covert recordings of customers using the changing rooms. The court heard that a couple of teenagers went into the changing rooms to try on some clothes and spotted the recording device. Their mother seized the phone and took it to police, resulting in Robinson’s arrest and subsequent conviction. Kevin Blount, for Robinson, said his client claimed he had been using the hidden browser “to stream TV and he hadn’t realised it was classed as a private browser”. Advertisement Hide Ad Advertisement Hide Ad He said that Robinson was “drinking a reasonable quantity of alcohol on a daily basis” and had been “struggling with his mental health”. But judge Sean Morris, the Recorder of York, told Robinson: “You must understand that sexual-harm prevention orders must be obeyed, and you are going to learn a lesson.” Robinson was handed a six-month jail sentence but will be released halfway through on prison licence.
Publish Date : 2023-11-17 16:49:26
Image and News Source : thescarboroughnews
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