Harvard ‘doxxing truck’ parks outside students’ homes who blamed Israel for Hamas attacks

Harvard ‘doxxing truck’ parks outside students’ homes who blamed Israel for Hamas attacks

The “doxxing truck” that circled Harvard University’s campus to expose Ivy Leaguers who allegedly signed a letter blaming Israel for Hamas’ attacks has been beaming the photos of some student leaders outside their homes, The Post has learned. Adam Guillette — the president of news watchdog Accuracy in Media, which deployed the vehicle — told The Post that his organization “expanded our fight against antisemitism at Harvard” by selecting student leaders of the 34 Harvard groups that co-signed a statement saying Israel is “entirely responsible” for Hamas’ attacks, and parking the digital billboard-bearing box truck near their residences. “We only focus on leaders of these organizations rather than members,” Guillette said Thursday, adding the students’ home addresses “were very easily publicly available.” On Wednesday, the truck idled in front of the Boston-area home of a 20-year-old female Harvard student who leads one of the groups that did not explicitly condemn Hamas, he said. The truck’s giant LED screens — hung on the sides and back of the truck — displayed the words “Harvard’s Leading Antisemites” in gothic script over a headshot of the Ivy Leaguer who reportedly lived in the home, with her name in bold, red block letters. “The homeowner called law enforcement” once they spotted the truck outside, Guillette said. “As is always the case, authorities explained that we’re not breaking any laws,” Guillette said of the truck, which was deployed “so everyone in the community can learn who the antisemites are among them.” Law enforcement officers at the scene even told the homeowner “not to threaten the mobile billboard driver,” he claimed. The group deployed the truck because, “in addition to educating their colleagues and neighbors on campus, everyone in their community should learn who the antisemites are among them,” Guillette said. The vehicle also displayed a website that exposed the student for “believing that Israelis are to blame for the terrorist attacks by Hamas,” the URL says. “This represents the ‘best’ of Harvard,” the website’s landing page adds, which notes that this student has “not been disciplined by the university” and boasts a call-to-action button that links to HarvardHatesJews.com , a forum that encourages users to send an email to members of Harvard’s board of trustees. “Tell them to take action against these despicable, hateful students,” the forum says, offering a pre-written message to send the board, which reads: “As an overseer at Harvard, you have a moral obligation to take a stand against the antisemites on campus who issued a statement in support of Hamas,” and urges these high-ranking staffers to “expel these students and kick their organizations off campus immediately.” “We’ve purchased domain names of most of the leaders and set up profile pages to educate the public on what they’ve done,” Guilette said. The watchdog president said he’s also tapped “search-engine optimization experts to make it that if anyone Googles the student leaders’ names, [the website] is among one of the first results to pop up.” And as of next week, Accuracy in Media plans to deploy geo-targeted ads — which delivers content to users within a defined geographic boundary — “to phones, laptops and smart televisions of anyone who’s been on [Harvard’s] campus within the last 60 days, with images similar to the mobile billboard,” Guilette said. On Thursday and Friday, Guillette said the truck will visit homes of Harvard students in Vermont, near Burlington. Guillette wasn’t sure how many students’ homes Accuracy in Media’s doxxing truck would visit in total, though it will surely visit “more next week and the week after that,” and it will “maintain presence at Harvard for some time,” he said. Accuracy in Media has stopped deploying its truck around Harvard’s campus while these other initiatives are in effect, Guillette said. “We believe in forgiveness,” Guillette noted of his organization, and vowed to take “anyone who disavows themselves from these organizations off of our target list.” “We also change the profile page of anyone who apologizes,” Guillette added, though he didn’t share details on how Accuracy in Media scrubs the internet of these webpages. Social media users have fumed at Guillette for his campaign against the 34 Harvard student groups, slamming it as defamation, a claim he has denied, citing Accuracy in Media’s right to free speech. Harvard president Claudine Gay has refused to reveal the names of students who signed the controversial letter shortly after Hamas terrorists descended an Israeli music festival on Saturday, Oct. 7, beginning a weekend-long massacre that killed more than 1,400 Israelis, including at least 33 Americans.’ Gay said the Ivy League school “embraces a commitment to free expression” in a video released earlier this month — her latest attempt to quell outrage from famous Harvard alumni including former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers and billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman. “We do not punish or sanction people for expressing such views, but that is a far cry from endorsing them.” Gay, who again condemned the “barbaric atrocities perpetrated by Hamas,” did not specifically mention the more than 34 student organizations that co-signed a statement Saturday by the school’s Palestine Solidarity Committee. Representatives for Harvard did not immediately respond to The post’s request for comment. Accuracy in Media, meanwhile, has been updating a rolling list of Harvard student organizations and its members who continue to support “the letter and its inflammatory claims,” which the watchdog said it “independently confirmed,” though it’s unclear how. Thirty-four student groups at Harvard signed the letter, though five of them have officially renounced their affiliation with the missive. Amnesty International at Harvard, Harvard College Act on a Dream, the Harvard Undergraduate Nepali Student Association, the Harvard Islamic Society, and Harvard Undergraduate Ghungroo all withdrew their endorsements, according to campus newspaper the Harvard Crimson. Danielle Mikaelian, a Harvard Law student who sits on the board of a group that co-signed the letter, said she resigned due to the “egregious” nature of the statement. The student groups that initially signed the letters are African American Resistance Organization, Bengali Association of Students at Harvard College, Harvard Act on a Dream, Harvard Arab Medical and Dental Student Association, Harvard Chan Muslim Student Association, Harvard Chan Students for Health Equity and Justice in Palestine, Harvard College Pakistan Student Association, Harvard Divinity School Muslim Association, Harvard Middle Eastern and North African Law Student Association, Harvard Graduate School of Education Islamic Society, Harvard Graduate Students for Palestine, Harvard Islamic Society, Harvard Law School Justice for Palestine, Harvard Divinity School Students for Justice in Palestine, Harvard Jews for Liberation, Harvard Kennedy School Bangladesh Caucus, Harvard Kennedy School Muslim Caucus, Harvard Kennedy School Muslim Women’s Caucus, Harvard Kennedy School Palestine Caucus, Harvard Muslim Law School Association, Harvard Pakistan Forum, Harvard Prison Divest Coalition, Harvard South Asian Law Students Association, Harvard South Asians for Forward-Thinking Advocacy and Research, Harvard TPS Coalition, Harvard Undergraduate Arab Women’s Collective, Harvard Undergraduate Ghungroo, Harvard Undergraduate Muslim Women’s Medical Alliance, Harvard Undergraduate Nepali Students Association, Harvard Undergraduate Palestine Solidarity Committee, Middle East and North African Graduate School of Design Student Society, Neighbor Program Cambridge, Sikhs and Companions of Harvard Undergraduates, and Society of Arab Students.
Publish Date : 2023-10-26 16:57:54
Image and News Source : nypost
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