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So which IS safer, tap or bottled? Experts give their verdict after startling study found 240,000 cancer-causing nanoplastics in average liter of water in stores

The number of Americans who drink bottled water has nearly doubled in recent years due to growing concerns about the chemicals found in tap water. A series of studies showing lead contamination in wat

Website link :https://adquash.com/news_q.php?str=So-which-IS-safer-tap-or-bottled-Experts-give-their-verdict-after-startling-study-found-240000-cancer-causing-nanoplastics-in-average-liter-of-water-in-stores

Pottery Becomes Water Treatment Device for Navajo Nation

Newswise — AUSTIN, Texas — Large chunks of the Navajo Nation in the Southwest lack access to clean drinkable water, a trend that has been rising in many parts of the U.S. in recent years. A resear

Website link :https://adquash.com/news_q.php?str=Pottery_Becomes_Water_Treatment_Device_for_Navajo_Nation_650

Where to find a clean swimming spot after a wet year muddies the state’s waters

Almost a quarter of the state’s favourite swimming spots have been found to have been polluted by heavy rains over the past year as the nation braces for a long and hot El Nino summer. Worst hit wer

Website link :https://adquash.com/news_q.php?str=Where_to_find_a_clean_swimming_spot_after_a_wet_year_muddies_the_state’s_waters_460

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