LILLEY: We need strong leadership to push back against anti-Semitism

LILLEY: We need strong leadership to push back against anti-Semitism

We need strong leadership to combat the growing wave of anti-Semitism in Canada, but we aren’t getting it from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Across Canada, we are seeing expressions of hatred towards Jews simply for being who they are. That’s wrong for anyone of any faith or ethnicity, and Trudeau would be speaking out boldly if this were directed at other groups. So, why isn’t he being bold now in calling out anti-Semitism? To Trudeau’s credit, he is doing the right thing in saying that Israel has a right to defend itself and that Hamas, a terrorist group, must be destroyed. His government has also resisted the urge to call for a ceasefire, which of course Hamas would never abide by. Where are his statements, though, on the brazen acts taking place across the country? We’ve seen Jews in Toronto removing the mezuzah from their doors, the tiny Torah scroll, after police reported men were going door to door looking for Jewish homes in Forest Hill. Jewish students in Montreal don’t feel safe going to campus at McGill or Concordia. Jewish-owned businesses have been attacked across the country or singled out for boycott, and not a word from Trudeau. He has held a meeting, but behind closed doors. We need to hear public statements from him like he’s been making for the Muslim community. “Canadian Muslims, Arabs, and Palestinians are worried about their loved ones, their rights, and their safety. When I met with Amira Elghawaby (Canada’s representative to combat Islamophobia) yesterday, we spoke about these fears and the work we must continue to do together to combat Islamophobia and all forms of hatred.,” Trudeau posted to social media. That is a fine message to have out in the public square; Islamophobia and any bigotry towards Muslims, Arabs or Palestinians should be called out. So, too, should the open bigotry being directed at Canada’s Jewish community. There have been academics at institutions of higher learning across the country who have made bold statements justifying the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks as a form of resistance against “settler colonialism.” An English instructor at Langara College in Vancouver is on leave after calling the attacks “brave” and “brilliant.” This past weekend at Queen’s Park, a number of elected officials joined with members of Toronto’s Iranian community for a small rally in support of Israel. Independent MP Kevin Vuong, PC MPP Goldie Ghamari and provincial cabinet minister Michael Parsa were part of a group told by Toronto Police officers that they would have to shut down and leave early because several thousand pro-Palestinian protesters were marching towards them. Officers had to tell elected officials at a legislature that their peaceful protest had to end because officers feared for their safety. Thankfully, the elected officials, and others, told the officers they wouldn’t leave, they would not be intimidated, but the fact that police officers told them to pack it up is shocking. The concerns about safety were not without merit, though. Toronto Sun reporter Kevin Connor was assaulted when he tried to ask people taking part in the pro-Palestinian rally questions. He was pushed and followed and told he wasn’t welcome because he works for a “Jewish paper,” likely because the Sun , while owned by the publicly traded company Postmedia, has been supportive of Israel and the Jewish community. As Sun columnist Joe Warmington reported , a woman was also punched, her flyers about hostages were ripped up and her Canadian flag was snatched away and stomped on. No word from Trudeau on any of this. The fear and anxiety in Canada’s Jewish community is real and growing. It’s time to hear from all our leaders, but especially from Trudeau, in denouncing the wave of anti-Semitism in this country.
Publish Date : 2023-11-01 20:47:10
Image and News Source : torontosun
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