Change Of Name: I Violated No Law Signing Affidavit On Saturday – Atiku

Change Of Name: I Violated No Law Signing Affidavit On Saturday – Atiku

The candidate of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) in the last presidential election, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar has said there is nothing absurd in his signing the affidavit he deposed to on August 18, 1973, changing his name from Sidique to Atiku.

Atiku’s media aide, Paul Ibe, at a press conference in Abuja on Sunday, said the PDP candidate’s affidavit was not the only one signed on Saturday, as President Bola Tinubu’s media team would want Nigerians to believe.

Ibe disclosed that Atiku’s media unit had “conducted research into the registry of the Lagos State High Courts in the same year, 1973, to see if it was really an absurdity to have court papers signed on a Saturday.

“The outcome of our findings showed clearly that there are court papers that were signed on Saturdays in the year 1973!”

He called on Tinubu and his media team, to conduct the same research to clear the doubts surrounding his identity.

“A practitioner of democracy, especially someone who sits on the chair of a president, must live above board,” he said, adding that “A president must mirror the moral rectitude of trust and transparency.

“To be called the president of a country is to be an approximation of the values that such a country stands for. Nigeria does not stand for forgeries and impersonation.

“It is, therefore, on this note that we yet again, call on President Bola A. Tinubu to follow the example of Atiku Abubakar to clear the air about all doubts and kuru kere about his past.”

Ibe demanded that the president should make available to Nigerians, a copy of his 1970 certificate with which he sought admission into the Chicago State University.

He described as embarrassing that the FBI and other anti-crime agencies in the United States were preparing to start releasing information on the Nigerian president.

“It is more embarrassing that President Bola A. Tinubu will fight tooth and nail to block those discoveries about his past, saying such will cause him irreparable damage.

“Bola A. Tinubu needs to be reminded that what the FBI and other US security agencies are set to do by releasing the #FBITinubuFiles will undoubtedly cause Nigeria irreparable damage!

“Nigeria is a country of laws, and no one single man or woman, no matter how highly placed, is bigger than our laws,” he added.

Ibe expressed the hope that the
discovery into Atiku’s Saturday affidavit would rest the issue and provide the opportunity for Tinubu’s team to come clean with the president’s past.

“Nigerians are waiting for them to put an end to this kindergarten Tom and Jerry that has done nothing but brought embarrassment and humiliation to our country and its people,” he pleaded.

The candidate of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) in the last presidential election, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar has said there is nothing absurd in his signing the affidavit he deposed to on August 18, 1973, changing his name from Sidique to Atiku. Atiku’s media aide, Paul Ibe, at a press conference in Abuja on Sunday, said the PDP candidate’s affidavit was not the only one signed on Saturday, as President Bola Tinubu’s media team would want Nigerians to believe. Ibe disclosed that Atiku’s media unit had “conducted research into the registry of the Lagos State High Courts in the same year, 1973, to see if it was really an absurdity to have court papers signed on a Saturday. “The outcome of our findings showed clearly that there are court papers that were signed on Saturdays in the year 1973!” He called on Tinubu and his media team, to conduct the same research to clear the doubts surrounding his identity. “A practitioner of democracy, especially someone who sits on the chair of a president, must live above board,” he said, adding that “A president must mirror the moral rectitude of trust and transparency. “To be called the president of a country is to be an approximation of the values that such a country stands for. Nigeria does not stand for forgeries and impersonation. “It is, therefore, on this note that we yet again, call on President Bola A. Tinubu to follow the example of Atiku Abubakar to clear the air about all doubts and kuru kere about his past.” Ibe demanded that the president should make available to Nigerians, a copy of his 1970 certificate with which he sought admission into the Chicago State University. He described as embarrassing that the FBI and other anti-crime agencies in the United States were preparing to start releasing information on the Nigerian president. “It is more embarrassing that President Bola A. Tinubu will fight tooth and nail to block those discoveries about his past, saying such will cause him irreparable damage. “Bola A. Tinubu needs to be reminded that what the FBI and other US security agencies are set to do by releasing the #FBITinubuFiles will undoubtedly cause Nigeria irreparable damage! “Nigeria is a country of laws, and no one single man or woman, no matter how highly placed, is bigger than our laws,” he added. Ibe expressed the hope that the discovery into Atiku’s Saturday affidavit would rest the issue and provide the opportunity for Tinubu’s team to come clean with the president’s past. “Nigerians are waiting for them to put an end to this kindergarten Tom and Jerry that has done nothing but brought embarrassment and humiliation to our country and its people,” he pleaded.
Publish Date : 2023-10-22 21:45:14
Image and News Source : newtelegraphng
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